
Showing posts from January, 2023

A WHOLE NEW WORLD: An Exploration of Foreign Films and Cultural Contexts (DP YEAR 1)

    "Foreign films teach you a new language, but it's not the language you think.  It's the language of cinema"  -  Vera Blasi, Academy Member. One of the great rewards of watching foreign films is the infinite ways it can open up the world for you as a viewer.  You identify with a character from another time and place.  You share their thoughts and feelings--their hopes and fears.  A sense of intimacy and humanity is created through the experience and we go from an "Us vs. Them" mentality to a "We are Them, They are Us" way of thinking. This month, there are five films made by foreign directors on our screening schedule:  Sophie Scholl: The Final Days  (German - trailer link: ),  The Pianist  (Polish - trailer link: ),  Three Colors: Blue  (France/Czech Republic - trailer link: